a wish for steve….

My sweet husband is celebrating two major milestones this month….his 70th birthday and a Retirement. Those two epic events seemed so far away when we started our lives together….and yet….Blink….here we are.

First of all…today is his birthday and it is pretty special. Not all get to enjoy so many wonderful stages of life that the extra years allow; this is a true Blessing. So many milestones, so many dreams, so many friends.  Let this birthday encompass all of the experiences that have come before to live life well, to love well, and to be well. I am so thankful to have spent the majority of these birthdays with him. In fact, our first date was on his 19th birthday so this is an anniversary for us as well! I wish him every continued Blessing that life has to offer as he begins another year.

Steve has been a hard worker, both before and throughout our marriage, and has cared for us SO well. He has had a myriad of jobs in the course of his working years, starting in childhood with a paper route, selling Christmas trees, construction, painting houses, a General Motors plant worker, specialized beverage tester, Toco Hills Cleaners, George Deans Men’s Store, The United States Air Force, environmental services, and then on to the financial world of banks and investment firms for the majority of his career.

He was drawn to banking as a career field with the sincere desire to help people achieve their dreams in business ventures. I have no doubt that, in the ripple effect of this desire, there are many out there whom have benefited from the way he honored his craft. He brought a sense of loyalty, integrity, passion, character, and genteel manners to each and every place of employment that was lucky enough to have him. That in itself seems the definition of successful career in my book. I’m guessing those traits may be a rare commodity in today’s landscape. I wonder if they’ll realize what they had in him with his absence. The values of an earlier time when a hearty handshake and one’s word were good enough are long extinct, but he was fortunate enough to be a part of the work force in a time where they were valued. Lifelong friendships were formed from coworkers and customers alike. What an incredible Blessing as a byproduct of a productive work life in addition to the provision to be gainfully employed. I wish for him to embrace these thoughts and utilize the tools he has gathered along the way to continue to find purpose in each and every day.

I am so thankful that he was born and that our stories came together. I am so thankful and proud of his efforts on our behalf. He has earned rest and refreshment. After climbing the mountain, I pray he will enjoy the view! Well done good and faithful servant!! We LOVE YOU BIG!!! I can’t wait to see what’s next?!?!

Happy Birthday! Happy Retirement! Happy New Beginnings!!

So many wishes for Steve!

Retirement is not the end of the road. It is the beginning of the open highway!

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4 Responses to a wish for steve….

  1. Happy and Blessed 70th Birthday to you, Steve!!! Danny will turn 70 on the 19th, so he’s right behind you. 🙂 Thanks for sharing all these sweet and wonderful things about your husband, Pam. He is a gem and definitely deserves all the best in his retirement. Love to you both!


  2. pamwilliams says:

    Oh!❤️. You love and support each other so well! What a gift, a blessing, and…great job putting in the work and commitment to build a strong marriage and family!
    Happy Birthday and Happy Retirement Steve!!! You are so loved!!!! Praying you continue to listen for God’s voice each and every day❤️


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